Chapter 1: Energy & Climate

Reaching our net zero ambition by 2035 (scope 1&2) urgently requires a paradigm shift across the whole food system. We are committed to mitigating the negative impacts of climate change and our energy-use within Morrisons supply chains.

We have set clear goals in the interim for energy and climate.

Our Sustain Goals

  • Achieve net zero operational emissions by 2035 (scope 1&2) from a 2019 baseline
  • Make an absolute reduction of 46% (scope 1&2) by 2030, delivered through annual energy plans
  • Reduce our own brand scope 3 emissions by 30% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline
  • Decarbonise our transport and logistics operations in line with our STBI climate targets

Why are we taking action?

The food systems we rely on are under immense pressure from the climate crisis, deforestation and the overuse of natural resources. It’s essential that we drive change to reduce the impact of these pressures.

Today, we’re already making a difference. We have reduced our greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations by 17% between 2019 and 2022.

How the food we sell is grown and made has a large impact on its environmental footprint. Find out more about our Biodiversity Strategy here
Our Energy consumption is a major contribution to our operational emissions. Find out how we're becoming more energy efficient here
Understanding our effect on the climate is vital. Find out more about how we are managing our impacts on the environment here