Packaging, Waste & Water

Packaging waste, food waste, and water scarcity are becoming increasingly critical issues as we approach planetary boundaries. Waste resources contribute to pollution via oceans and landfill, while overexploitation of water strains freshwater resources and amplifies water scarcity.

Addressing these interconnected issues with sustainable water management and creating re-usable, recyclable, and compostable packaging, is essential for a sustainable future.

Our Sustain Goals

  • 50% absolute reduction in own brand primary plastic packaging from a 2017 baseline
  • 50% reduction in food waste in store by 2030 from a 2016 baseline, and significantly reduce cost of food waste
  • Reduce our total packaging weight by a minimum of 20%
  • Actively contribute to the WRAP goal that 50% of UK fresh food will be sourced from areas with sustainable water management by 2030
  • By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across the business in line with SDG 6