British Farming

Morrisons is British farming’s biggest direct single customer. We work as a team with the British farming industry and rely on the hard work of local producers. Our partnerships help to strengthen the nation’s food security and reduce food miles.

Why are we taking action?

Buying directly from over 2,700 farmers and growers, we will always look to buy British produce first when it’s in season and available. Our fresh milk, cheddar cheese and eggs are always 100% British. 

We believe that animals in our supply chain have the right to a good life and that good agriculture should promote biodiversity. Find out more here
We take a responsible and targeted approach to the use of pesticides to ensure other pollinators, the environment, customers and growers are all protected. Find out more here
We have a strict and wide reaching antibiotics policy that ensure the health and safety of our livestock, farmers and customers. Find out more here